Amy Vasili


As a member of the JJ Burns financial planning team, Amy Vasili helps analyze clients’ needs, conduct research, and develop comprehensive financial plans. She gathers information to prepare reports and presentations to assist advisors in reviewing, analyzing, and updating client portfolios.

Amy earned an M.B.A. in Finance and a B.S. in Business Management from New York’s Stony Brook University.

On the personal side

Although she was born, raised, and currently still lives in Ridgewood, Queens, Amy’s family is originally from Albania. This makes Europe a favorite destination, but Amy loves travel and plans to visit countries all over the world. A love of music and song inspires Amy to occasionally sing her sentences instead of speaking them!

What Amy brings to the table

Amy’s specialty is spicy vodka pasta with crispy chicken cutlets! She also tended bar for a few years and enjoys creating exotic new cocktails to share with guests.

Meet The Team

James J. Burns, CFP®

CEO/President, CFP Board Ambassador

Steven Mula, CFA®

Chief Investment Officer

Jessica Evans

Client Services Manager, Chief Compliance Officer

Adam Kohler, CFP®

Director of Financial Planning

Anamika Madan, CFP®

Financial Planning Specialist

Nejad Abo-Hamzy, CFP®

Financial Planner

Danielle Moss

Client Service Associate

Jami Regan

Administrative Assistant